The double earthquake that shook eastern Turkey and northern Syria on Monday morning, February 5, 2023, is an unspeakable catastrophe that has overwhelmed us with emotion.
The whole country is observing a week of national mourning, with flags at half-mast, administrations and schools closed.
However, all patient appointments at our partner clinics have been maintained and Body Expert’s medical and aesthetic services continue to operate.
While the Turkish and international medical corps and rescue workers from all over the world are mobilizing to help the victims of the earthquake as soon as possible, a dozen doctors, usually working with Body Expert, have already left to help treat the thousands of injured people
Above all, a huge surge of solidarity from the Turkish population is underway.
In every village, every town, every city of the country, collection points have already allowed, since Monday morning, to send trucks full of blankets, winter clothes and food to help the tens of thousands of families thrown into the street by the earthquake, totally deprived to face the icy cold that is raging in eastern Turkey.
Spontaneous donations from the population are also helping to finance the emergency aid, and Body Expert is not left out. If you wish to participate in this solidarity movement, we would like to provide you with the bank details and IBAN (International Bank Account Number) used by the Governmental Directorate for Disaster and Emergency Management (AFAD – Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Baskanligi) to collect and transfer financial donations in the most secure and rapid way, guaranteeing the most direct help to the populations most affected by the earthquake. Thank you in advance to all.
Here are the different Turkish banks, used by AFAD (Turkish Ministry of Interior) to collect donations in TL, EURO and USD.
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