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Regenera Activa Stem Cell Hair Transplant in Turkey

Cutting-edge solution
to combat hair loss effectively.


Save Up to 80% on
your Stem Cell Hair Treatment

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Regenera Activa

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ANT - Antalya
IST - Istanbul

Regenera Activa Treatment Package with Hotel Accommodation

€ 1 100
Regenera Activa Treatment Session (45 minutes)
Personal assistant and English Interperter
Two-Night Stay in a 4-Star Hotel with Breakfast Included
Airport-hotel-clinical transfers
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Significantly slows androgenetic alopecia effects


Unmatched leader in Turkey for hair health solutions.


English-Speaking Care & Thorough Post-Op Follow-Up


80% less than UK, US, Canada, Ireland costs.

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The Regenera Activa stem cell hair transplant: The power of regenerative medicine at the service of your hair

Savings up to 40%

The Regenera Activa stem cell hair transplant is an innovative cell regeneration treatment. This treatment for androgenetic alopecia is a method to Regenera Activa is based on the use of mesenchymal stem cells harvested from the patient’s scalp to reactivate follicular units damaged by androgenetic alopecia. In most cases, the cells are harvested from the posterior hippocratic crown of the hair.

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What are the benefits of Regenera Activa stem cell hair transplant ?

The Regenera Activa stem cell hair transplant is a minimally invasive technique that offers very satisfactory results. This mesenchymal stem cell autograft prevents rejection and complications. A single session is sufficient to normalize hair loss and stimulate sustainable hair growth.


Normalized hair loss after the first treatment


Sustainable regrowth


No risk of rejection or side effects

An efficient treatment for female pattern hair loss

Androgenetic alopecia is one of the main causes of women’s hair loss. This hair loss is the result of two factors: a genetic predisposition and the action of androgens, male sex hormones present in small quantities in women. In case of genetic predisposition, the secretion of a small amount of androgens is enough to cause hair loss. The hair growth cycle accelerates, depleting the hair follicles renewal capital at an early stage. Androgenetic alopecia generally begins at times of hormonal upheaval in a woman’s life, such as after the birth of a child, at pre-menopause or at menopause, for example.

The stage of male and female alopecia is evaluated according to two different scales. The stage of male alopecia is measured with the Hamilton scale. In the case of female alopecia, its stage is indicated by the Ludwig scale:


Stage 1

Is a slight but progressive thinning on the top of the head.


Stage 2

Corresponds to a more pronounced alopecia around the median line. The forehead edge begins to be affected but still measures more than 3 centimeters.


Stage 3

Is manifested by alopecia developed over most of the top of the skull. The anterior forehead line is reduced to less than 3 centimeters.

What are the steps of a Regenera Activa stem cell hair transplant?

The Regenera activa treatment is performed in several steps:


Step 1

The first step is to evaluate the patient’s scalp to determine eligibility for cellular treatment. For example, patients with skin and scalp diseases, blood circulation problems or allergies should not undergo this technique.


Step 2

This step is based on the collection of stem cells from the patient. This sampling is done with a tool of only 2.5 mm in diameter called a “biopsy punch”. Since it is performed under local anesthesia, this step is painless.


Step 3

Once collected, the stem cells are placed in the Rigenerakit, supplemented with saline. They are then ground and filtered for 60 seconds to obtain the lyophilisate, a cell concentrate.


Step 4

The final step is to reinject the stem cell-rich lyophilisate into the patient’s recipient area. This reinjection is done with a fine needle. Once re-implanted, the stem cells will regenerate and optimize the vascular network that promotes the regrowth process.

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How Regenera Activa works?

To combat female pattern hair loss and male pattern hair loss, Regenera Activa relies on the use of stem cell growth. Stem cells can renew themselves by secreting bioactive molecules that stimulate the recovery of damaged cells in the patient’s scalp. As part of a treatment for androgenic alopecia, Regenera Activa can redensify the scalp hair and encourage sustainable regrowth. This simple and minimally invasive procedure is called “autologous” (when the donor and recipient are the same individual), which avoids any risk of rejection.

What are the indications of stem cell hair transplant?

Regenera Activa hair loss treatment is recommended for men whose alopecia does not exceed stage 3 on the Hamilton scale and for women whose alopecia does not exceed stage 2 on the Ludwig scale.

Cellular treatment can also be indicated with a hair transplant surgery.

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Is it possible to combine Regenera Activa hair loss treatment with other treatments?

Regenera Activa can also be indicated before a hair transplant surgery. This cellular treatment can stimulate the hair growth process and make it denser.

How long does a Regenera Activa stem cell hair transplant session last?

Simple and quick, the Regenera Activa session lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. The duration of the treatment varies from person to person depending on the characteristics of their alopecia and the patient’s wishes.

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Is it necessary to do several sessions?

One session of Regenera Activa is enough to obtain a result. The patient notices a natural and progressive re-growth of hair in the treated area. 3 to 6 months after the treatment, the results are definitive.

The Regenera Activa hair loss treatment is a long-lasting way to fight the effects of androgenetic alopecia. However, this treatment does not allow the evolutionary process to disappear permanently. Therefore, it is recommended to do maintenance sessions every 12-18 months.

Is it painful?

No, Regenera Activa hair loss treatment is not a painful treatment. Performed under local anesthesia, and minimally invasive, this treatment of androgenetic alopecia allows the patient to resume his social and professional activity the same day, without pain and without risk of complications.

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Why perform your Regenera Activa stem cell hair transplant in Turkey

Having your Regenera Activa in Turkey allows you to benefit from the best treatments. Indeed, Turkey has some of the best clinics and practitioners in the world. Combining the reliability of advanced techniques and preferential prices, Turkey welcomes many tourists seduced by the quality of care, but also the cultural qualities of the country. Extraordinarily rich in history, Turkey enjoys a fabulous cultural heritage.