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Genioplastie_01 9 April 2022

Genioplasty Chin Surgery

Lecture : 5 min. par Harmonie

Genioplasty is a facial plastic surgery that consists of correcting chin position anomalies such as a curved chin or a receding chin. Also known as mentoplasty, genioplasty is intended to provide aesthetic improvement, but also to correct a defect that may be functional. In Turkey, and particularly in Istanbul, genioplasty is a common procedure that reshapes the chin to create harmony with the entire face. With very attractive prices, Turkey is the ideal destination for high quality care at low cost.

Genioplasty in Turkey results

How is a genioplasty chin surgery performed

Medical consultations

During an initial consultation, the maxillofacial surgeon performs a radiological assessment to determine the surgical techniques to be used. A dental panoramic is performed to highlight any dental articulation problems. In this case, specific orthodontic treatments will have to be done before performing the genioplasty.

The radiological assessment is also accompanied by a medical interview and the taking of digital images of the patient’s face from all angles. These images are essential for computer simulations to visualize the desired result.

A second consultation is also scheduled to give the patient the necessary time to reflect. During this consultation, the maxillofacial surgeon presents the techniques used and discusses again all aspects of the surgery (preoperative instructions, anesthesia, postoperative care, etc.).

osteotomy (cut chin bone) 3D model

Surgical intervention

Chin surgery, or genioplasty, is a surgical procedure that is performed under general anesthesia. This procedure, which lasts about an hour, consists of correcting the positioning of the chin by moving it, raising it, lowering it, or reducing it.

Several techniques can be used to restore harmonious features and volumes to the chin, and to the face more generally. Genioplasty can be performed by osteotomy (cut chin bone), by sagittal split osteotomy, by grafting or by the placement of alloplastic chin implants. To achieve the desired result, genioplasty can also be combined with maxillary and/or mandibular osteotomy (jaw surgery), rhinoplasty, and aesthetic medicine treatments such as hyaluronic acid injections to balance volumes.

Post-operative care

After the genioplasty, the patient usually stays overnight in the clinic. The surgeon applies a shaping dressing that should generally be worn between 5 and 8 days after the procedure.

How much does a genioplasty cost ?

  • Genioplasty price in Turkey : from €2000 to €3000
  • Genioplasty price in the UK : from £6000 to £7500
  • Genioplasty price in the Netherlands : from €4000 to €5000
  • Genioplasty price in the US : starting around $10,000

With Body Expert, it is possible to combine a genioplasty and a rhinoplasty during the same stay. Combining a genioplasty and a rhinoplasty meets an aesthetic objective, allowing a complete harmony of the face. At Body Expert, this combination costs 4000 euros. This allows both a nice saving and an optimal aesthetic result.

Chin surgery before after

Why have a genioplasty (chin surgery) in Turkey ?

Choosing to have your oral maxillofacial surgery done in Turkey allows for significant savings, without compromising on the quality of care offered. Turkey has an impeccable reputation when it comes to surgical treatments, whether they are performed for aesthetic or functional purposes. Chin surgery in Turkey is an ideal option if you wish to combine affordability, safety, and quality of care.

Medical tourism in Turkey also has the advantage of combining business with pleasure. In addition to being bathed in sunshine year-round, Turkey is home to many archaeological sites. Enjoy the culinary delights of Turkey and the warmth of the Turkish people.

Genioplasty in Turkey: the medical journey

With Body Expert, the organization of your medical trip is stress-free and hassle-free. Our certified travel agency takes care of everything. Hotel, intervention, transfers… several packages are available to meet all needs. To make your medical trip a pleasant moment, Body Expert also proposes to organize your possible excursions to allow you to enjoy all the attractions of Istanbul.

What are the indications and contraindications of a genioplasty ?

Genioplasty is a head neck surgery to correct various chin anomalies. Chin surgery is indicated in the following cases:

  • A receding chin: a receding chin is when the chin is set back with a short distance between the neck and the tip of the chin. A receding chin can have a significant impact on the overall harmony of the face and create the appearance of a double chin. The sliding genioplasty surgery is performed by advancement mentoplasty. Several surgical techniques can be proposed to advance the chin (implants, chin osteotomy, hyaluronic acid injection, etc.).
  • A canted chin: A canted chin is a protruding chin. Its position can be influenced by a forward positioning of the lower jaw or by a forward positioning of the bony chin. The technique used is proposed on a case-by-case basis depending on the projection of the patient’s chin.

Genioplasty may also be indicated to correct a deviated chin, a chin that is too high or too short. This plastic reconstructive surgery may also be necessary after an accident. Apart from taking anticoagulation, there are no contraindications to genioplasty. Smoking must be stopped 8 days before and after the operation to promote healing. Sports activities without risk of trauma must be suspended for 3 weeks.

Mentoplasty Results

What are the side effects and risks of a genioplasty?

After the procedure, several side effects, which are not complications, may occur. These may include small amounts of bleeding, pain that can be relieved with painkillers, swelling in the lower part of the face, or a slight limitation in the opening of the mouth. These side effects are transitory.

Does genioplasty require general anesthesia?

Yes, genioplasty requires general anesthesia. This chin surgery also requires an overnight hospital stay.

Are the results of a genioplasty definitive?

Genioplasty allows the correction of chin defects permanently. The first results are visible after 10 days. The final appearance of the chin can be appreciated approximately 2 months after the procedure. This period generally corresponds to the complete resorption of the edema.

Genioplasty before and after the operation

Genioplasty : before/after

After an otolaryngology head neck surgery, the face, from the front as well as from the side, regains its perfect proportions. The contour of the neck is reshaped to correct aesthetic and functional defects. In most cases, genioplasty is performed through incisions inside the mouth, thus avoiding visible scars.

genioplasty results

Genioplasty : before after

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8 commentaires

8 Commentaire(s)

  • Omid amin

    I would like to come for revision genioplasty and some other minor adjustments thank you

    • BodyExpert

      Hi and nice to meet you ????

      Here is our protocol to be put in touch with our dedicated teams :
      please fill out a form by clicking on this link

      One of our customer assistants will contact you directly via Whatsapp (free application) to answer all your questions.

      ???? See you soon from the team

  • Francesca Coady

    I would like to have genioplasty (chin reduction) and rhinoplasty please. Could you give me some information on who is the best surgeon for this and some before and after photos and how much in £ sterling it will be. I am looking to book for October this year. Thank you

    • BodyExpert

      Hi and nice to meet you ????

      We invite you to contact our medical team for a pre-study based on your photos and goals. They will be able to give you a before/after of the best surgeon that we will propose you for your genioplasty

      Please fill out a form by clicking on this link
      One of our customer assistants will contact you directly to to answer all your questions, bring recommendations from our doctors and make your quote.

      See you soon from the team

  • Sam Keyes

    Hi there,
    Could genioplasty also help relieve snoring? Are there ENTs I could meet in Turkey?

    Also, could a genioplasty be coupled with surgery to make the jaw look more feminine?

    Thank you

    • BodyExpert

      Hello and nice to meet you ????
      We’ll do a pre-study with our specialists, based on the additional information you’ll be asked to provide. To do this, we need to put you in touch with one of our customer assistants, who will be your contact person.
      Please fill in the following form
      One of our customer assistants will contact you directly via Whatsapp (free application).
      Have a nice day, from the team.

  • Lorrell

    Hi, hope you’re well I was wondering how much a genioplasty would cost ?

    • BodyExpert

      Hello and nice to meet you ????
      The average price is €4,000, but it all depends on the technique(s) used.
      We’ll do a pre-study with our specialists, based on the additional information you’ll be asked to provide.
      To do this, we need to put you in touch with one of our customer assistants, who will be your contact person.
      Please fill in the following form
      One of our customer assistants will contact you directly via Whatsapp (free application).
      Have a nice day, from the team.

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