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BBL and liposculpture
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Brazilian Butt Lifts in Turkey (BBL) or Gluteoplasty has become a highly sought after plastic surgery procedure. The American Aesthetic Society claims BBL surgery is the fastest-growing operation for reshaping, enhancing and enlarging the buttocks. You can achieve a voluptuous, curvy, well-toned derriere through two main surgical techniques: fat transfer and silicone implants. Surgeons conduct butt stretching and lifting during the volumising process to eliminate butt sagging and slumping.
The Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is one of the most requested cosmetic surgery procedures in the world by women. Star destination: Istanbul, Turkey, one of the world’s medical tourism capitals. All you ever wanted to know about Brazilian butt lift but were afraid to ask…
A few years ago, flat buttocks were the fashion. Today, the trend is reversed : thanks to the Brazilian Butt Lift, popularized by a handful of American internet stars (Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj or Jennifer Lopez, to name but a few), round bottoms and voluptuous silhouettes are holding their revenge against the feminine beauty diktat of thin models. A physical complex transformed into a weapon of massive seduction. Remember Queen’s Freddy Mercury singing « Fat bottomed girls, you make the rocking world go round »…
Don’t believe the famous wife of rapper Kayne West when she denies using the help of plastic surgery to raise such a posterior. Still. When she posed with a glass of champagne on her rump for a magazine cover in 2014, Kim probably didn’t know that her figure 8 would trigger a tsunami of BBL… According to a recent survey conducted by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of performed butt lifts by plastic surgeons has increased by 77% in the last five years worldwide, making the BBL one of the most performed cosmetic procedures on the cosmetics planet. A huge move, revealing the influence of social networks and music videos showing girls shaking their booty -its called twerking- over a rap tune.
The Brazilian Butt Lift is a body cosmetic procedure aimed at removing, by liposuction, body fat from the lower abdomen, hips, thighs and/or lower buttocks, and to reinject it into the lower back, in order to fill the hollowness and present a more curved, voluptuous figure. This non-surgical plastic surgery, performed under local or general anesthesia, is inspired by the liposuction technique. The fat cells are sucked out of the “rich” parts of the body and then reintroduced into the strategic areas, with the help of specifically designed needles. No incision is required, and there are no visible scars. A fat grafting technique that gives the buttocks a natural appearance, also often used in breast lipofilling surgery.
The Brazilian Buttock Lift, also called gluteoplasty, originated in Brazil. A plastic surgery “invented” in the seventies by the famous plastic surgeon Ivo Pitanguy, nicknamed “the Pope” of Rio de Janeiro. His academy of aesthetic medicine has trained dozens of surgeons from all over the world who, for the past 20 years, have spread his technique all over the planet. However, not all Brazilian women have naturally rounded and raised buttocks, nor have a lifted buttock. Even though the practice is relatively common there, like many other cosmetic operations…
Anticipate spending between 3.800€ to 4.950€ and up for experienced expert BBL plastic surgeons. Butt augmentation may not be the right choice for everyone due to price, risks, away time, recovery time, and projected success. Recently, the American Surgery Journal issued new surveys concluding BBL surgery has gained new levels of safety when an experienced, board-certified, expert plastic surgeon performed the procedure.
Starting Points
The forms and proportions of the female anatomy is mostly determined by genetics : skeletal shape and plummy aeras influence the shape of the pelvis and buttocks. A healthy diet and regular exercise help maintain an ideal weight and firm muscles. However, some women remain dissatisfied with their flat posterior, desiring more voluptuous shapes.
The Brazilian buttock lift without surgery allows to emphasize the curves at the bottom of the back, to reduce the pockets of adipose tissue at the top of the thighs, around the hips and the lower abdomen. It balances the upper and lower parts of the figure, gives a youthful look to the back, like a wasp waist, and once dressed, gives a glamorous look.
But like all cosmetic surgery, having a BBL sculpted is a serious choice. Generally performed under general anesthesia, the Brazilian buttock lift is a relatively heavy and expensive procedure -between 4000 and 8000 € in Western Europe- and irreversible : your new bottom is here to stay. Even if one day, the BBL fashion may fall back. BBL volunteers should also know that it is not a way to avoid dieting. According to the plastic surgeons performing gluteoplasty, it is imperative to have already lost weight prior to the operation. BBL most be avoided for overweight or obese people. On the other hand, for women who are round by nature, but find their buttocks too flat and sagging on each side, or wishing to tackle a glamorous “figure eight” silhouette, with generously curved breasts and buttocks, bottom lipofilling is a way to lose their saddlebags, while regaining a round and firm butt.
The procedure starts with an interview with your plastic surgeon, who checks your medical history and your anatomy, your motivations and wishes. Before the operation, the surgeon will design, with a black felt-tip pen, the parts where the fat cells will be extracted, and the areas where they will be reinjected. Photos are taken and a digital silhouette will be produced and shown to better visualize the final result.
A saline solution, containing both local anesthetic and adrenaline, is injected through the body to contract the blood vessels, control bleeding and dilute the fat, making it easier to remove. A cannula is inserted through a small incision in the skin, to harvest the fatty tissue in the predetermined areas.
To increase their chances of survival and reimplantation, the fat cells are filtered, cleaned of blood and anesthetic residues, before being re-injected into strategic areas. The surgeon must be careful to inject the fat at a intra-epidermal depth, proportionally and with the ideal quantity to shape the buttock with a natural appearance and without damaging deep muscle tissue. It requires dexterity and experience, to simultaneously inject with one hand and sculpt with the other in a short time (1 to 3 hours) : the graft can be unsuccessful if the cells remain more than an hour outside the body.
The surgery requires general anaesthesia and intravenous sedation taking between one to four hours. One overnight or a two-day hospital stay is advised to monitor your condition. Plan on remaining in Turkey for at least two weeks for post-op checkups and observation after your Brazilian Butt Lift. There will be moderate pain, inflammation and bruising, which will subside over a few days. Once the stitches are removed, you are free to return home.
Maintaining optimal health and weight will extend Brazilian Butt Lift from Turkey results for nearly 20 years. Now, we can embrace natural ageing and genetic factors or effectively transform ourselves with speciality cosmetic surgery in Turkey!
The Brazilian lipofilling procedure can require some efforts and adaptations from the patient during his recovery. Pain is limited in strategic zones, but may persist for several weeks in areas where fat has been removed, unpleasant feelings that can be resolved with mild painkillers and anti-inflammatories, such as paracetamol. It is imperative to follow all the advice and to use the accessories provided or prescribed by your plastic surgeon.
The most difficult thing is not to sit on your buttocks for at least two weeks, and even up to six weeks, as the reshaped areas may be crushed, damaging the transplanted cells, and wasting the effects of a BBL. During all this time, it is imperative to sleep on your stomach or on your side. You will have to stand most of the time, except to go to the bathroom. Soft daily activities can be resumed about 1 week after the operation. After two weeks, it is possible to sit on an ergonomic cushion, usually provided by the aesthetic clinic. Depending on the case, your surgeon may advise you to wear a corset and/or compression garments for 2 to 3 weeks, for holding the new contours of your body. Work will have to wait for at least two weeks, and using the special cushion in the car or at the office is compulsory. Motorcycling or biking is strongly discouraged for two to three months, as well as massage on the buttocks and active sports.
The final result of a Brazilian buttock lipofilling operation is visible after about six months. In the months following surgery, 20-50% of the reintroduced fat will dissolve into the body, but the rest remains for life. The only condition is to be disciplined and to maintain a stable weight, in order to avoid a fluctuation of the body mass, both adipose and muscular. A healthy, balanced diet and regular physical exercise, why not twerking to tone the buttocks, is obviously recommended.
A Brazilian Butt Lift shows less medical risks than for an epidermal lift surgery with incision, since the surgical gesture is limited to the absorption and injection of the fat cells. Possible skin inflammations or persistent redness may be linked to a slower graft absorption, which should disappear within two weeks after the operation. It is true that several post-operative deaths have been observed in BBL procedures, in Florida, Brazil or Turkey. These dramatic surgical complications, which are extremely rare (3 out of 1000), were generally due to medical errors from inexperienced surgeons, who sometimes reinjected too much fatty mass or added silicone gel which, when introduced too deeply into the muscular tissues, can cause blood poisoning and a fatal pulmonary embolism. It is imperative to choose the most experienced and renowned aesthetic clinics and plastic surgeons, to read the testimonials, and when medical tourism is required, to be accompanied and advised by experts, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Depending on your shape, your age and skin type, your expert cosmetic surgeon can advise other alternatives to BBL, for taking care of your curves and reveal plump buttocks.
-A simple and well performed liposuction, without additional buttock lipofilling, can remove excess fat around the buttocks in the right place and restore their shape.
-Gluteal prostheses are buttock implants, made of silicone and inserted under the epidermis of each buttock, through an incision of about 6cm in the natural fold of the gluteal zone. They are more recommended for patients with insufficient fat mass. These implants can be kept for life, but their body tolerance and their long-term evolution remain uncertain. Last but not least, implants offer a less natural appearance compared to a well sculpted BBL.
-The injection of hyaluronic acid (in particular HYAcorp, a new product recently introduced on the market) is also possible : it’s a non-invasive, biodegradable product of organic origin, offering a very high tolerance rate and excellent viscoelastic properties. A lighter procedure, but that should be regularly duplicated (every two years) because of its progressive dissolution in the body.
-Localized injection of vitamin C is also possible and less expensive than hyaluronic acid, and firms the buttocks in several sessions (4 sessions in 2 months), but the effect does not last long.
-The use of tensor threads is another alternative to BBL, depending on the condition of the skin and the volume to be lifted. They are limited in time (2 years), and are more exposed, and less safe, than when used for a face lift.
-The Emsculpt is an electromagnetic device, placed on the areas to be firmed up, reproducing muscle contractions in an artificial way. It needs between 4 and 8 sessions for a convincing result. An interesting solution close from home, but which remains expensive (about 500€ per session).